Get lost in the canals of Venice…

Venetian gondolas at sunrise, Venice, Italy

One hundred and seventeen small islands separated by canals and linked bridges make up the magnificent city of Venice. This city has been affectionately nicknamed several times, often referred to as the “City of Water,” the “Queen of the Adriatic,” and “The Floating City.” Getting lost in the confusing twists and turns of this charming place is a must-do for any tourist visiting Italy. An outing on a gondola, gliding through the city’s narrow waterways is a sure way to experience the beauty of the city with a bit more of a cautious take. Visiting Piazza San Marco, day or night, is a stunning way to take in the local culture and daily routine. Gorgeous masks can be bought at almost every shop or stand, celebrating Venice’s most famous festival, Carnival. Each February, the city hosts thousands of tourists who come to bear witness to the multitude of creatively dressed people, flaunting extravagant costumes and intricately handcrafted masks. This celebration justly exhibits the genuine originality and imagination of the Venetians, but in truth, this spark of creativity can be seen year-round. Venice is romanticized everywhere you hear of it, and the reality is that seeing it for oneself is almost always just as magical as they had pictured it – if not more!