Admire stunning art in Florence…

View of Florence after sunset from Piazzale Michelangelo, Florence, Italy

Florence is a vital university center often considered to be the birthplace of the Renaissance and universally known as one of the most influential cities concerning art and architecture. Thanks to several incredible museums and a plethora of world-renowned artwork, Florence is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Among the marvelous artwork is the Duomo, Santa Croce, the Uffizi, the Ponte Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria and Palazzo Pitti. Many famous and influential painters and sculptors lived and worked in Florence. For example, Leonardo Da Vinci painted his brilliant masterpiece “La Gioconda” in this artistically rich city. Florence represents the center of Italian culture of art and has become a reference point for tourists worldwide. Walking through the walls of Florence, one often gets the impression of strolling through a museum, each building whispering a beautiful story from the past. There is so much to learn about the history of Italy within this city, and even more about the Florentines who abide there. One especially recognized work of art that exhibits the beauty of Florence was Dante Alighieri’s “Divine Comedy,” famous worldwide but truly exceptional in Italian classic literature. Immersing oneself in this extraordinary poem with a nice glass of red wine in hand and a dish of “fiorentina” on the table would certainly constitute as the perfect Italian activity for an exceptional day in Florence!